8051 Micro Controller is actually an 8-bit microcontroller, which means that the operations are limited to 8 bits. There are 3 kinds of 8051 Micro Controllers they are Short, Standard & Extended. All these could be programmed using 8051 assembly language.
In a wide variety of control systems 8051 Micro Controller based Chips are used – Telecom systems, robotics and the automotive based industry. It is estimated that 50% of the embedded chip based market is covered by 8051 Micro Controller currently
The popular features of 8051 Micro Controller are:
- On-chip data memory (RAM) is 128 bytes and programme memory is 4 kilobytes.
- 4 re-g banks.
- 128 software flags set by the user.
- Data Bus in 8 bits
- Sixteen-Bit Address Bus
- 16-bit timers—typically two, although they might be more or fewer
- Two external and three internal interruptions.
- RAM accessible in bits and bytes, 16 bytes.
- Four 8-bit ports. (Short models have two 8-bit ports.)
- 16-bit data pointer and programme counter.
- Instruction cycle timed at 1 s with a crystal running at 12 MHz
Wiztech Automation, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40, is a well equipped training organization for Embedded System Training. The well equipped facilities and well qualified faculty members provide thorough conceptual knowledge and practical skills to the students who undergo training. Wiztech has dedicated faculty members for training in Embedded System with particular reference to the 8051 Micro controllers. The syllabus covered for 8051 Micro controller based technology gives not only a full insight to the students of Wiztech but also independent knowledge and skills to handle the embedded system with 8051 Micro Controllers incorporated in the module for embedded system course training.
The individual focus that Wiztech Automation provides makes the students very comfortable and they enjoy their time space for better understanding and assimilation. After the students complete their Training, the students are certified in the course completion and are also provided placement for job opportunities. While on Embedded System Training, depending on the requirement the students who hail from outside Chennai city and also outside Tamil Nadu, are provided free accommodation.